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Presentations & Publications


Music, Research, and Activism Conference, Helsinki, Finland

Presentation: Politics of Musical performance

May 2023

Ritmo Festival, Budaperst, Hungary

Panel discussion: "Music Through Conflicts and Social Changes".

April 2023

Im Rahmen vom Festival Houbara - Resonanzen Iran, Stadtgarten,
Cologne Presentation: Female Singers in Post-revolutionary Iran
March 2023

Music Department of Accra University, Ghana
Presentation: The Politics of Musical Participation in Iran
February 2023

FilmForum Duisburg in Collaboration with Duisburg Philharmonic
Panel discussion: The Female Voice of Iran documentary film
February 2023

Go for Gender Justice meets Via Reformata, Melanchthon Academy,
Presentation: Female Voice of Iran
January 2023

Insert Female Artist, Center for literature - Burg Hülshoff
Presentation: "I Want My Voice to be Heard", Female Singers of Iran
December, 2022

Voices of Women Conference, Groningen, Netherlands
Presentation/ Screening:"Politics of Musical Performance in Iran
December 2022

University of Theater and Music, Hamburg
Panel discussion: The situation of women singers in Iran
November 2022

Afghan Music in Exile, STADTRAUM, Frankfurt
Presentation/ Screening "Female Voice of Afghanistan"
November 2022

De Koer, Gent, Belgium
Presentation/ Screening: "Female Voice of Iran"
November 2022

15 Minutes of Femme Event, Berlin
Panel Discussion:" Female Musicians in Iran and Afghanistan
October 2022

Womex, (Worldwide Music Expo), Porto, Portugal
Panel: "Artists As Terrorists?"
With Paige Collings (UK/Denmark) and Jasmina Lazovic (Serbia)
October 2021

XXXVI ESEM, Valladolid, Spain
Presentation: "The Politics of Musical Participation: An Ethnographic Study of Women Singers in Post-Revolutionary Iran"
September 2021

Joint Symposium of the ICTM National Committees of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany Presentation/Screening: “Phenotypes and Variations of Female Voices in Iran: An Ethnographic Research on the Relationships Between Music, Language and Cultural Tradition in Qashqai tribe”
February 2020

Jazzwerkstatt Music Festival, Bern, Switzerland
Presentation/Screening “Women's Music in Iran”.
March 2020

Asia Pacific Congress of Music Therapy 2019, Beijing Normal University
Lecture: “Music Therapy and Traditional Healing Rituals in Iran: Ethnographic Research by Focusing on the Zaar, Govati and Porkhani Ceremonies”
September 2019

Rudolstadt Festival
Lecture “Women’s Music and Women Musicians in Post-Revolutionary Iran”
July 2019

Ornament Project, Berlin, Germany
Presentation/Screening: “Ornament in Iranian Traditional Music: An Ethnographic Research on Women Songs”.
November 2019

Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Munich
Lecture/Workshop: “About the role of female singers in Iran after the revolution”
November 2018

University of Cologne, Institute of Musicology
Lecture: „Iranian Women Musicians in Transcultural Dialogue“
February 2017


Frauenstimmen des Iran Perspektiven für den kulturerschließenden Musikunterricht (Wolfgang Mastnak and Yalda Yazdani): ResearchGate: DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14227.60969. 2021
Female Voice of Iran, in: Magazin der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, 2016.

Women’s vocal songs and music from the Shiraz Region in Iran, in: Ethnomusicology Journal of Istanbul Technical University, 2013.

Women’s vocal songs and music from the Shiraz Region in Iran, in: Mahoor Magazine, Tehran, 2010.

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