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Vortrag zu „LGBTQ+ Choirs and Queer European Citizienship“

Thomas R. Hilder (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim) 10.06.2021, 17-18.30h

LGBTQ+ choirs have, since their emergence in Europe in 1982, affirm positive LGBTQ+ identities, create safer spaces, build local LGBTQ+ communities, offer sites of healing, and increase queer visibility (Balén 2017; De Quadros 2019; MacLachlan 2020). While LGBTQ+ rights may have in the last decade become in the popular imagination and in EU public discourse “a powerful symbol of Europe” (Ayoub and Paternotte 2014, 3), new constellations of nationalisms, backlashes against LGBTQ+ rights, and divisions within an LGBTQ+ community, render queer Europeans at a critical juncture just as the project of Europe itself begins to crumble. Reflecting on research with LGBTQ+ choirs in London and Rome, I ask: How do LGBTQ+ choirs offer alternative models of care? How do they provide a forum for negotiating internal exclusions and mainstream co-option? How do they shape the globalisation of LGBTQ+ subjectivities? This presentation thus assesses the significance of queer choral singing as a form of activism that works within and beyond the limits of European 21st century neoliberal democracy.

Infos zu den weiteren Vorträgen in der Vortragsreihe unter: https://queery.de/queery-ing-media-culture-abstracts/und https://queery.de/files/2021/03/FH_Queery-Webflyer_RZ_210301.pdf

Anmeldung unter: gender@uni-siegen.de

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